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JERS-1 SAR annual mosaic tiles generated for use in the Data Cube 25m pixel spacing, WGS84. These tiles are derived from the orignal JAXA mosaics with conversion to GeoTIFF.

jers_sar_mosaic across January 1996

Unknown number of datasets
  • No configured regions

Metadata (eo3)

Common fields

cloud_cover collection_category creation_time crs_raw data_coverage eo_gsd eo_sun_azimuth eo_sun_elevation format GeoTIFF instrument SAR label platform JERS-1 product_family rmse rmse_x rmse_y sat_orbit_state sat_relative_orbit

Location 🔗 (samples)

Measurements 🔗

uint16 hh / hh 0
uint16 date / date 0
uint8 linci / local incidence angle / linci / incidence 0
uint8 mask / mask 0

Total: 4

Storage Parameters 🔗

crs EPSG:4326 resolution latitude -0.0 longitude 0.0

Definition 🔗