
All days

Surface Reflectance Annual Geometric Median and Median Absolute Deviations, Landsat 5 and Landsat 7. Low resolution version used for visualisations.

gm_ls5_ls7_annual_lowres across January 1998

0 datasets
  • No configured regions

Metadata (eo3)

Common fields

cloud_cover collection_category creation_time crs_raw data_coverage eo_gsd eo_sun_azimuth eo_sun_elevation format GeoTIFF instrument label platform product_family region_code rmse rmse_x rmse_y sat_orbit_state sat_relative_orbit

Location 🔗 (samples)

Measurements 🔗

uint16 SR_B1 / band_1 / blue 0
uint16 SR_B2 / band_2 / green 0
uint16 SR_B3 / band_3 / red 0
uint16 SR_B4 / band_4 / nir 0
uint16 SR_B5 / band_5 / swir_1 0
uint16 SR_B7 / band_7 / swir_2 0
float32 SMAD / smad / sdev / SDEV NaN
float32 EMAD / emad / edev / EDEV NaN
float32 BCMAD / bcmad / bcdev / BCDEV NaN
uint16 COUNT / count 0

Total: 10

Storage Parameters 🔗

crs EPSG:6933 resolution x 120 y -120

Definition 🔗